University of Arkansas Visitor Guide 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 4
Welcome to Fayetteville and the
University of Arkansas. We are so
excited to have you on campus.
For over 150 years we have been
at the center of higher education
in the state of Arkansas. Students
can explore and choose from over
200 academic programs that the
university has to offer.
We hope you experience some of our
excitement here at the University of
Arkansas. Visit our beautiful campus
for a few hours or a few years, and
we9re sure you9ll feel the same thing.
Go Hogs!
14 Make Time for History
Old Main is the heart of the University of
Arkansas campus.
The University of Arkansas Visitors Guide was writen and designed by the U of A9s Oïce of Admissions, 471
N. Garland Ave., Fayeteville, AR 72701, and published by Momentous Campus Media, 5500 Fla}ron Pkwy, #105,
Boulder, CO 80301. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Material contained herein may not be reproduced without
writen consent of the University of Arkansas Oïce of University Rela}ons, Oïce of Admissions, and Momentous
Campus Media.
Every atempt has been made for accuracy in the resource material printed in this magazine. Content is current
as of Spring 2024. If there is an error in editorial content, contact Oïce of Admissions at 479-575-5346. For errors
or omissions in adver}sing content, contact Momentous Campus Media at 303-544-1198.
The University of Arkansas is commited to providing equal educa}onal and employment opportuni}es and
prohibits discrimina}on in all of its programs and ac}vi}es based on race, color, religion, sex, age, na}onal origin,
sexual orienta}on, marital or parental status, veteran9s status, disability, or gene}c informa}on. Inquiries regarding
the university9s nondiscrimina}on policy may be directed to the university9s Compliance Oïcer in the Oïce of Equal
Opportunity and Compliance at 479-575-4019.
22 A Few Things We’ve Grown Fond Of
Here are just a few of the tradi}ons that have
shaped the U of A.
This publica}on is printed using a renewable ink resource on 10% recycled paper
that is Elemental Chlorine Free. It was produced by aa cer}oed member of the Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Ini}a}ve (SFI) compliant with the
Federal Resource Conserva}on Recovery Act (RCRA).
The friendly, helpful and na}onally accredited oïcers of the University of Arkansas Police Department have several campus loca}ons
and are eager to assist visitors while working to keep our campus safe. or 479-57532222.